This project started out with a question posted on Telepath, a mobile, social Q&A network.

If I wanted to learn about sexism and misogyny, what books should I read?

A member responded, and said that instead of reading books we should ask women to tell their stories, and listen to them.

And that is how this project began.

This is On Misogyny. A conversation series exploring sexism and misogyny. 

Like many men, We have a blind spot when it comes to the female experience, especially as it pertains to the systemic hostility, prejudice and violence they face on a regular basis. And this has resulted in us believing that we were better allies than we actually were, and not fully appreciating how little had changed for women, and just how much more needed to happen. 

In each episode, we speak with a guest who wants to help us learn. They share their stories, and in doing so, they are teaching us. While we started this project as a personal quest, the lessons here can help others too. Pleading ignorance is no longer a satisfactory defense. 

Who we are.

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Shervin Talieh

Shervin is the founder/CEO of PartnerHero, and prior to that spent much of his career in management consulting and doing two other startups. The burnout from consulting and time spent in the echo-chambers of Silicon Valley chasing validation led him to his version of rock bottom. The On Misogyny project was born out of feedback he received from his partner, whereby she informed him that he wasn't as "woke" as he thought he was.

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Max Velasco Knott, he/him

Max is a storytelling nerd, obsessed with tech, and listens to too many podcasts. His work with the On Misogyny Project is driven by a desire to provide tools and spread language that empowers people to examine the layered and complex topics of racism, misogyny, and multidimensionality. His interests build on the path he started over the past decade exploring his multiracial background, internalized white supremacy, and emotional oppression learned through patriarchy.


Special thank you to Keyon Talieh for producing the intro music.